Pre-School Signing Classes

In a fun, interactive learning environment, parents, caregivers and children will have the opportunity to explore and learn American Sign Language (ASL) together. Using ASL as a communication tool to support early learning is beneficial because it is already an established language; and it offers young children the ability to build alphabet knowledge and enhance social-emotional development while promoting a strong literacy foundation for their future.
ABC Sign With Me! This 45-minute class is designed to promote skills that are fundamental to learning to read by introducing parents and children to the ASL signs for the letters of the alphabet through fun songs, games, and craft projects. By providing children with a physical way to represent letters, parents will be helping their children remember the letter names, be able to identify the letters visually, and understand the function of letters to represent the separate sounds within words. Ideal for ages: 3 to 5 years.
Our Rainbow World. This 45-minute class is designed to provide parents with information to help teach their children about the important skill of “classification” by focusing on the most common differentiating feature—color. Many parents are not aware of how easily this skill can be taught during routine activities. Colors were also chosen as the focus because color names are often requested by families who have taken other signing classes. Ideal for ages: 2 to 4 years
Rhymes with Sign. One of the best predictors of how well a child will learn to read is by knowing nursery rhymes. This hands-on program brings children’s songs and nursery rhymes to life with sign language. Children will enjoy a variety of interactive activities that encourage emerging language skills. Children, parents and caregivers will also have an opportunity to practice American Sign Language, a great way to help young children build vocabulary and develop communication skills. Ideal for toddlers 2-4 years old.
Today I Feel….From baby to BIG kid! Bring this fun and interactive program to your classroom. This class is designed to help young children understand and respond to their feelings with sign language. Toddlers have the capability and the capacity to learn how to express their feelings – they just need to be coached in the right direction. Through fun songs, books and games that reinforce important language, and social-emotional skills parents and their toddlers learn a variety of ‘feelings’ signs they can practice together. Ideal for 2-4 year olds.