“Bridge Communication and Promote Early Literacy with American Sign Language”
Infant/Toddler Signing Classes
Join the fun and learn how to talk to babies before they can talk with American Sign Language (ASL). Bring a themed based program to your organization and learn how to use sign language to help reduce frustration; bridge communication with pre-verbal infants and build positive parent/child relationships.
Preschool Signing Classes
Play, learn and grow with American Sign Language (ASL). Bring the benefits of (ASL) into early learning program and provide parents and children with an opportunity to explore, discover and grow together through a variety of songs, rhymes and fun learning activities.
Library Staff Training
Liven up your story times with American Sign Language (ASL) and bring the wonderful world of signing to your children’s programs. Through colorful books, fun songs and rhymes, staff will learn how to incorporate ASL into story time to promote early literacy skills.
Early Childhood Teacher Training
“Unlock the potential in every child” with American Sign Language. Learn how to use this multi-sensory approach to learning to bring an element of fun to your classroom and innovation to lessons that promote literacy skills and address the different learning styles of children.
Our Mission
To promote School Readiness by providing training and coaching for early childhood educators, and families on using American Sign Language to unlock the potential in every childOur Vision
To make a connection with young children and caring adults and plant the seeds of early learning for lifelong learning success.Our Focus
To provide a fun, playful, language-rich learning environment to support the whole child through American Sign Language, sensory play, music & movement, books and rhymes.Connecting With KIDZ invites you to become part of our growing ‘signing’ community.
We believe early communication sets the foundation for accelerated learning. As a form of early communication, a basic American Sign Language (ASL) vocabulary can empower young children to express their needs and feelings before they can speak and help them transition from baby to Big Kid.
Research shows that using sign language in early childhood programs have positive effects on increasing language and literacy skills of young hearing children and using signs can also help older children who struggle with reading.
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Meet Our Literacy Specialists

Hi! I’m Mischel, an Early Childhood Education Consultant and Founder of Connecting With KIDZ. As an educator and certified Baby Signs® instructor my passion is combining sign language, sensory play, music and movement to promote early learning for young hearing children 6-months to 5-years old in a fun and engaging language-rich learning environment.
As a former pre-school teacher with a degree from the University of Arizona and a Masters in Early Childhood Education from Northern Arizona University, I bring more than fifteen years of experience working with various pre-school programs including Head Start, and have facilitated a variety of baby and toddler signing classes for both Paradise Valley and Deer Valley Family Resource Centers, and Toddler Signing Time classes with Phoenix Public Library. I am also a member of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), Arizona Head Start Association (AHASA), and the National Association for Child Care (NAFCC).

Hi! I’m Elizabeth, an Early Childhood Literacy Specialist and certified Baby Signs® instructor.I am passionate about engaging, educating and empowering adults caring for young children about the importance of early literacy that they may in turn do the same for their children. I love to incorporate the fun of sign language and puppetry in this process.
I am an Early Literacy Advocate with a Bachelor’s degree from Ohio Wesleyan University and a Masters in Information and Library Science from Kent State University. I have also completed training with New Directions Institute and Jill Stamm, one of the preeminent infant brain researchers, and I am qualified to teach Baby and Toddler Brain Time programs to families and caregivers.