Library Staff Training Programs
Liven up your baby and toddler story time with American Sign Language (ASL). Through colorful books, fun songs, games and rhymes, staff will learn how to incorporate ASL to bridge communication with pre-verbal infants; build vocabulary; enhance social-emotional development and teach letter names, shapes and
Introduction to Baby Signs for Story Time. Signing with young children fosters bonding, stimulates language development, and reduces frustration for parents, caregivers and child. Learn how to use sign language in story times to broaden their appeal and make them more participative. This 2-hour interactive workshop is designed to be used with infants (3 months – 17 months). It will provide easy-to-learn signs that can be retaught and incorporated into stories, rhymes, and songs. You will be able to use the skills learned in this workshop to create programs that will help your staff, and parents communicate better with children. Over 36 signs will be covered. The workshop topical areas include sign language information, mealtime, bedtime, bath time, getting dressed, pets and park.
Beginner – Level 1: Signing with Toddlers. This 3-hour American Sign Language (ASL) language training for librarians is designed to be used with young toddlers (18 months – 32 months) The class provides basic ASL words tailored to teach concepts (words) to young children through age appropriate songs, rhymes, games, stories and play activities. Over 50 signing words are covered. The workshop topical areas include: Sign language information, letters of the alphabet, colors, family, farm animals, food, and shapes.
Intermediate – Level2: Signing with Toddlers. This 3-hour Intermediate American Sign Language Workshop for library staff is a follow-up to the Beginner Workshop with additional songs, games, stories and activities. The 50 signing words to be covered include the topis: signs for family colors feelings, manners, clothing, zoo animals and transportation.
Beginner – Level 1: Signing with Preschoolers. This 3-hour American Sign Language (ASL) language Workshop for librarians is designed to be used with older toddlers and preschool children (3 – 5 years). The signs included in this training can be incorporated in pre-school prep and kindergarten readiness classes. Using ASL to promote early literacy speeds up the learning process, builds vocabulary, enhance social-emotional development and addresses different learning styles of young children. Over 50 signing words are covered. The workshop topical areas include: Sign language information, common preschool signs, letter names and sounds, signs for animals, colors, manners, feelings, food (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner), greetings, opposites textures, transportation and rhymes with signs.
Intermediate – Level 2: Preschool Signs. This 3-hour Intermediate American Sign Language Workshop for library staff is a follow-up to the Beginner Workshop with additional songs, games, stories and activities. The 50 signing words to be covered include the following topics: senses, day of the week, following directions, months, days of the week, community helpers and common household and school words.
Contact Us to Bring a Signing Class to your Home, School, Library or Childcare!